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Writer's pictureDr. Imogen Tomlin-Game

Dog breeding associations in Australia

Common dog breeding associations

There are three common, reputable breeding organisations that many RightPaw breeders are members of: Dogs Australia, the MDBA & the AAPDB.

association badges

Many breeders will choose to be a member of one of these associations in order to join a community of like-minded responsible breeders and demonstrate their commitment to responsible breeding practices. Each of these organisations has their own unique entry requirements and code of ethics. Each of these codes is in alignment with RightPaw's Code of Ethics. RightPaw encourages our breeders to be members of these associations, both to stand out to puppy buyers, and to network with other responsible groups who can help them develop their breeding programs in the right way.

RightPaw and Dogs Australia badges

Dogs Australia/ANKC

Dogs Australia (formerly the Australian National Kennel Council, or the ANKC), is the largest and oldest breeding association in Australia. It was started in 1958 and is closely associated with similar organisations around the world, such as the AKC in America and the Kennel Club in the UK. Dogs Australia is committed to the preservation of established, purebred breeds. They have strict breeding regulations to ensure their members can prove the lineage of their dogs and are breeding to the prescribed 'breed standard' for their breed. Puppies from a Dogs Australia breeder will come with pedigree papers to show the family tree of the dog and guarantee their breed. Dogs Australia breeders must adhere to a strict code of ethics, outlined by each individual state body. Dogs Australia, their state subsiduaries (eg. Dogs NSW, Dogs QLD), and their associated breed clubs, are the organisations that oversee the dog showing world. Many highly experienced, esteemed breeders of champion show dogs, will be proud Dogs Australia members.

RightPaw and MDBA badges

The Master Dog Breeders & Associates (MDBA)

The MDBA are a newer breed association that was established in 2004. The MDBA are open to purebred breeders and also to companion dog owners. The MDBA are open to changing breed standards over time and incoporating new parent dog lines into a breed, to help accelerate the progress of health and welfare improvements in breeds where needed. They have several schemes in place to develop a consistent breed standard for some new breeds in development. These include the Theodore program (based on the popular Cavoodle crossbreed) and the Australian Cobberdog (based on the Labradoodle crossbreed). The MDBA issue their own pedigree papers for dogs enrolled in these schemes as they have lineage records for these puppies. The MDBA have their own code of ethics and have attracted many innovative, passionate and health-focussed breeders over the past few years.

RightPaw and AAPDB badges

Australian Association of Pet Dog Breeders (AAPDB)

The AAPDB was established in 2007 as an inclusive association that would cater for all responsible breeders of pet dogs, including those breeding crossbreeds. They pride themselves on a very stringent code of ethics focussed on health and animal welfare, and aim to provide puppy buyers with reassurance that they are supporting a high quality breeder. The AAPDB require their full members to have an annual audit of their property conducted by a licensed veterinarian. The AAPDB is committed to regulating how their breeders breed, and the service their breeders provide to puppy buyers, rather than focussing on which breed they are breeding. Their values and mission are complimentary to RightPaw's, and many of our breeders are proud to be full members of the AAPDB.


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